A selection of my published reporting and writing focused on art, design, and photography.
This Artist Builds Tiny, Lifelike Replicas of Beloved Dive Bars Atlas Obscura, October 2019.
The Original Selfie: Why Analog Photo Booths Still Endure Fracture Blog, August 2021.
The Meditative Magic of Analog Photography Fracture Blog, May 2021.
Wanna Tell You About My Life: On Reconnecting With My Dad Through Found Photography Fracture Blog, June 2021.
Research Shows Crosswalk Art Can Reduce Crashes, So Fishtown Installed One At A Busy Intersection PhillyVoice, November 2023.
Lomography: How An Analog Photo Company Thrives In The Age of Instagram Fast Company, August 2015.
This Art Exhibit Is Like A Bouncy Castle For Aliens on LSD CoDesign, March 2014.
Why Photographers Are Flocking To This 19th Century Technology Fast Company, December 2016.
This Art By Ex-Inmates Exposes The Inhumanity Of The Prison System Fast Company, June 2016.
How A Drexel Professor Created The World’s Biggest Game of Tetris Fast Company, April 2014.
Please Deface This Park’s Walls: Inside Austin’s Massive Graffiti Park Co.Design, November 2014.
For the Open Source Graffiti Movement, Digitized Tags Are Just the Beginning VICE Creators Project, April 2013.
Would a Mural on Philly’s PSFS Building Be One Too Many? Philadelphia Weekly, November 2012.